How to Setup and Enable Voice Chat in your V Rising Server Print

  • V Rising, VRising, Enable Voice Chat, Server Configuration, Setup
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This article will show you how to setup and enable voice chat in your V Rising Game Server.

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V Rising offers a feature of in-game voice chat, making the game more immersive and fun when you encounter other vampires in your server. Read this guide to learn how to enable this feature in your game server!

How to Set up Voice Chat on a V Rising Server
We will be using 
Vivox: In-Game Voice Chat App Software by Unity. Create an account or sign in (if you already have an account) for the Unity Dashboard.

V Rising - Create account and Sign in for Vivox

2. Once you've logged in, click on the shortcut for Vivox Voice and Text Chat which should be on the left hand panel. Doing so will prompt you to create a Project.
V Rising - Vivox Shortcut

3. Enter any name, leave the next box as "No", and press the Create button to confirm.
V Rising - Vivox Create First Project


4. Click on the shortcut for Vivox Voice and Text Chat again.

V Rising - Vivox Shortcut

5. You will be taken to a Setup Guide. For the first step, make sure Unity is selected, then press Next.
V Rising - Vivox Setup Guide Step #1

6. Skip this step by pressing Next.
V Rising - Vivox Setup Guide Step #2

7. Skip this step as well, and choose Finish.
V Rising - Vivox Setup Guide Step #3

8. Go to the Credentials page under Voice and Text Chat. Keep this page open in a different tab for you to copy and paste from later in this guide.
V Rising - Vivox Credentials

9. Login to the Game Panel (click this link for easy access) and navigate to your V Rising server. Make sure the server is not running by pressing the "Stop" button.

V Rising - Stop Server


10. Once you have done this, navigate to the Configuration Files section.

V Rising - Configuration Files


11. Click on the 'Config Editor' option next to ServerVoipSettings.json.

V Rising - Config Editor for ServerVoipSettings.json


12. Set Enable VOIP from False to True.

V Rising - Enable VOIP


13. In the texbox next to VOIPIssuer , input the info next to Token Issuer on the unity dashboard.
V Rising - VOIP Issuer

V Rising - Token Issuer
14. For VOIPSecret , input the info next to Token Key on the unity dashboard.
V Rising - VOIP Secret

V Rising - Vivox Token Key


15. For  , input the ID that you used when creating an account for Unity.

V Rising - VOIP App User ID


16. For  , input the password that you used when creating an account for Unity.

V Rising - VOIP App User Password


17. For VOIPVivoxDomain , input the info next to Domain on the unity dashboard.

V Rising - Domain

V Rising - Vivox Domain

18. For VOIPAPIEndpoint , input the info next to Server on the unity dashboard.
V Rising - VOIPAPIEndpointV Rising - Vivox Server


19. Press Save & Exit once you're done with inputting all the info.
V Rising - VOIP Save & Exit

20. Navigate back to your Game Service and press the "Start" button. You may now connect to your newly configured V Rising server!

V Rising - Start Server

21. VoIP will now be enabled on the server. Connect to your server to set Voice chat up.


22. To use VoIP in-game, make sure to enable Auto Join Voice Chat and Push To Talk in the Sound settings. Have fun talking to fellow vampires in your V Rising server!
V Rising - Enable voice chat in-game


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