Grav Admin Commands Print

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The following is a list of admin commands in game, please remember to login to rcon before using these commands.

Admin Console Commands

Press ~ (under Esc key) or Tab key to open console, then type some of these commands below and press Enter

Command Description

Login as administrator to be able to use special commands below (you should be connected to your server, to login as administrator)

Example: AdminLogin 123


Shows all players on server, their levels, ping, and player ID for that server.


Kicks a player from your server

Example: AdminKick PLAYER_ID


Bans a player from your server

Example: AdminKickBan PLAYER_ID

Admin Cheat Console Commands

Press ~ (under Esc key) or Tab key to open console, then type some of these commands below and press Enter

Command Description

Makes you immortal (enter the command again to turn off)

UnlockAllBlueprints Unlocks all blueprints
CheatResources Allows you to cheat in resources

Allows for you to fly

CheatGhost Allows you to fly, go through objects, and walls (disables collision; noclip)
CheatWalk Turns off CheatFly or CheatGhost (sets you back to normal state)
CheatSetTimeOfDay <int> Sets the server time to hour (0-24)
SetPlayerLevel <int> Sets your characters level (0-43)

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