These are the server options which can be found in the server.ini :
Option | Effect | Default |
[Game Options] | ||
BigWreckageDespawnTime | Time in seconds it takes for new (as in: not created by the generator but during gameplay, such as combat) large wreckages (more than 15 blocks) to disappear. | 1800 |
CollisionDamage | A multiplier for damage to colliding objects. Accepts floating-point numbers, e.g. 0.5 is 50% collision damage. | 1 |
Difficulity | Note the typo. The difficulty of the server. Accepts an integer between -3 and 3. [Needs testing] | 0 |
InfiniteResources | Toggles infinite resources (or "creative mode") server wide | false |
SafePlayerInput | [Experimental] If enabled, updates sent from players to server are double checked and only control input is accepted to avoid cheating/hacking.
Disabling this will result in much smoother performance at the time of this writing. Enabling this may result in very bad performance over slow networks. |
false |
Seed | The random seed used for galaxy generation. Accepts upper and lower case letters and numbers. | [random] |
SmallWreckageDespawnTime | Time in seconds it takes for new (as in: not created by the generator but during gameplay, such as combat) small wreckages (15 blocks or less) to disappear. | 900 |
sameStartSector | Indicates if all players should start in the same sector. If false, a random empty sector on the outer rim is populated and used as the home sector for each new player. | true |
startUpScript | Specifies a Lua script to run on server startup. | data/scripts/server/server.lua |
startSectorScript | Specifies a Lua script to run when generating a start sector for a player. | startsector[.lua] |
ColorDropChanceFromCraft | [Currently unused] The chance that a color will drop from a space craft when the craft is destroyed | 0.05 |
ColorDropChanceFromBlock | [Currently unused] The chance that a color will drop from a block of wreckage when it is destroyed | 0.0025 |
ResourceDropChance | [Currently unused] Chance of resources dropping from destroyed blocks | 0.4 |
LootDiminishingFactor | [Currently unused] Multiplier that's applied to the value of a block/wreckage/ship to determine the dropped money and resources. | 0.005 |
SystemDropChanceFromBlock | [Currently unused] The chance that a ship system will drop from a block of wreckage when it is destroyed | 0.005 |
SystemDropChanceFromCraft | [Currently unused] The chance that a ship system will drop from an NPC space craft when the craft is destroyed | 0.2 |
TurretDropChanceFromBlock | [Currently unused] The chance that a turret will drop from a block of wreckage when it is destroyed | 0.005 |
TurretDropChanceFromCraft | [Currently unused] The chance that a turret will drop from an NPC space craft when the craft is destroyed | 0.25 |
TurretDropChanceFromTurret | [Currently unused] The chance that a turret will drop from an NPC space craft when the turret is destroyed | 0.025 |
[System Options] | ||
emptySectorUpdateInterval | The time between update steps of sectors without players. | 0.5 |
saveInterval | The time between server saves, in seconds. | 600 |
sectorUpdateTimeLimit | The time that sectors which don't qualify for out-of-sector-simulation are kept within memory. | 300 |
workerThreads | Number of concurrent threads that are used to update sectors. (Identical to the "Threads" setting ingame.) | 1 |
generatorThreads | Number of concurrent threads that are used to generate new sectors while players are calculating nav routes. | Hardware Concurrency |
aliveSectorsPerPlayer | Number of sectors kept alive for each player and alliance on the server, provided that there are player or alliance ships in that sector. | Multiplayer: 5
Singleplayer: 500 |
weakUpdate | Indicates if the sectors without players should be simulated with a "weak" update, which is less accurate but a lot faster than the normal update step. | true |
profiling | Toggles performance and memory profiling. Server performance may suffer slightly, but /status command will print a lot more detailed output. | false |
immediateWriteout | [Deprecated in v0.12 and above] Controls whether ships and sector files are to be written to disk immediately after a player changes sectors. | true |
[Networking] | ||
broadcastInterval | The time between server mass update broadcasts in seconds. | 5 |
isPublic | Privacy setting. If enabled, only one administrator is allowed on the server and the server will not show up on the LAN menu. (Same as the command line parameter -public) | true |
isListed | Privacy setting. If enabled together with useSteam, the server will show up in public server lists. (Same as the ingame setting "List Publicly") | true |
isAuthenticated | Privacy setting. Toggles Steam user authentication. (Identical to the ingame setting "Authenticate Users") | true |
port | The default port to access the server on. Does not affect the TCP/UDP game traffic port or the query ports. | 27000 |
useSteam | Determines whether the server is using Steam networking and can be joined via Steam, using options like "join game". | true |
[Administration] | ||
accessListMode | Determines whether the server uses a blacklist or a whitelist to restrict access. | Blacklist |
description | A description for the server, shown in the server list. | An Avorion Server |
maxPlayers | The max number of players allowed on the server at one time | 10 |
name | The name of the server, shown in the server list. | Avorion Server |