Avorion Startup Guide (Linux) Print

  • Avorion, Avorion startup, Start Guide
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This article will guide you on how to setup your server.

SteamCMD is required for this, you can find information on SteamCMD here: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD

You can use SteamCMD to download the Avorion server files like this(this assumes you have followed the link above):

Start SteamCMD

# cd ~ && ./steamcmd

Login anonymously

Steam> login anonymous

Set the folder where you want the files to go

Steam> force_install_dir /enter/path/here/

Download the server files

Steam> app_update 565060 validate

Exit SteamCMD

Steam> quit

Change your directory to the path you chose

# cd /enter/path/here

Run the server

# ./server.sh

You can find the server files(server.ini, logs, admin.xml, etc) here ~/.avorion/galaxies/avorion_galaxy

If you're using ssh you can always use screen to keep the server running in the background, you can find more on screen here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GNU_Screen

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