How to Set Players as Admin in Your Don't Starve Together Server Print

  • Adding Admin, Admin, Don't Starve Together
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This guide will show you how to add admins to your Don't Starve Together server.

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Making yourself an admin:

To set yourself up as admin, all you need to do is setup the server token.

By setting this up, you are attaching your game to your server, this automatically gives you admin powers.

If you have not setup your server token, click here to find out how to do so.

Manually adding players as admins:

1. First, we need to start up our "Don't Starve Together" game. Once you're on the main menu, click on the "Account" button.

DST - Account Button

2. It'll pull open the Steam Overlay. Here, you will see your USER INFO. Please note your Klei User ID, as we will be using it shortly.
DST - Klei User ID
3. For the next step, you need to login to the Game Panel (click this link for easy access) and navigate to your Don't Starve Together server. Make sure your server is not running by pressing the Stop button.

DST - Stop Server


4. Go to the Configuration Files section.DST - Configuration Files


5. Click on the Config Editor of adminslist.txt.

DST - Config Editor for adminlist.txt
6. Select [ New Admin ] and input your Klei User ID on the text field. If you wish to add more, simply press the [ New Admin ] again. Press Save & Exit once you're done.
DST - adminlist.txt

7. Head back to your Game Panel (click this link for easy access) and Start your server.

DST - Start Server


8. Connect to your server and have fun playing with admin privileges!


Executing Admin Commands:

1. You have to be connected in-game to execute admin commands. Once you're inside your Don't Starve Together server, press the tilde key (~).  This opens up a brown bar near the bottom of the screen and also displays a column of white text showing various bits of information about the server.
DST - Console Screen
2. Hitting ctrl while the console is open will toggle it between "remote" and "local" mode. Some commands need to be run in local and some in remote. The wiki has more information about which commands need to be run in which mode. The vast majority of the commands you will frequently use will be entered in "remote" mode.
DST - Remote Console
DST - Local Console

Console Command-List:

A full list of all the console (admin) commands for Don't Starve Together can be found in our Admin Commands guide.

Alternatively, you can also view this information on their wiki.


If you can find your server on the servers list, checkout the knowledgebase article: I can't see my server in the server list in dont starve together?


Did the above steps not work for you? Please contact our support and we'll help you out!

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