This is a guide to get you started as quickly as possible
1. Make sure the server is stopped.
2. Click on the Configuration Files icon and select the configuration editor for the engine.ini file
3. Change your server name and add a password if you need one. If you do not wish to have a password, leave the field blank.
4. Start your server.
Joining Instructions:
1. Open your Steam client.
2. At the top left, click on 'View'.
3. Click on 'Servers' and head over to the 'Favorites' tab.
4. Click 'Add Server to Favorites'.
5. Load Conan Exiles and go to the in-game server browser
6. Copy and paste your server's Query IP and Port in the format of IP:PORT. It is displayed in this format within your game control panel when viewing your service
7. Change the filter in the upper left to Favorites.
8. Click Refresh.
8. Click Refresh.
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